What to expect on your first appointment
Case history details will be taken concentrating on your current complaint whilst including your medical and accident history. All stresses and strains, past and present, physical and emotional may be relevant. However, you are under no obligation to share any more than you are comfortable with. I will take time to listen to your concerns and try to understand them in order to help you better.
Osteopathic examination of your posture, mobility and tissue health will be made and any relevant screening tests carried out. These may include reflexes and taking your blood pressure. For a clear assessment, you may be asked to remove some outer clothing and with this in mind you may wish to wear loose clothing, such as shorts and a vest top. A gown is also available. Chaperones are always welcome and children must always be accompanied during treatment.
Diagnosis and treatment plan. With the information gathered I will, if possible, make and discuss with you my diagnosis and treatment plan. Your permission will be obtained before proceeding to treatment on this first visit. In the event of a diagnosis not being possible, I may refer you to your GP, or another practitioner.